The Rijo Shekari Senatorial Race:

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Almost about a year ago, the young man and our brother ; Rijo Shekari declared an intention to throw his hat into the ring to run for the position of a Senator, Representing Kaduna South Senatorial District in the national Assembly.
This humble and dynamic gentleman who has made considerable marks in the Private sector of Nigeria went around seeking for supports from brothers, mothers and Fathers in the length, breadth, and width of the different parts of southern Kaduna.
At the beginning of the race, many dismmised the possibility of his emergence come 2019 on the premise that he was a "small boy" who will back out at an appropriate time when the race gets hot; as far as they were concerned, Rijo Shekari will be a Walk over to them and must not be considered to be a serious issue.
The young man was not deterred by such aspersions, he was determined to offer a better representation to his people. Day and Night, weekdays and Weekends he was everywhere convincing people on why he was on the race. He was never after why others in the race should not be supported because according to Rijo Shekari, as far as the others in the race have the interest of Southern Kaduna at heart, regardless of whoever emerges it is Uhuru for our region.
Days turned into weeks, weeks into months and in less than a year, the #RS2019 vision occupied the minds of everyone in southern Kaduna. Their was nowhere contestants for the senatorial race could be mentioned without mentioning Rijo first before the others; The brand became a product admired by everyone to the surprise of many. It was an evidence of God's endorsement of the movement.
Recently, their has been series of Propaganda realed out on hourly basis to discredit the #RS2019 movement.
What is of concern is that out of the calibre of people that joined the race, it is Rijo Shekari; the youngest of all who has had limited exposure to responsibilities of holding a public office that has been an object of personal attacks and Propaganda. In the Race includes:
1. Dist.Sen. Danjuma Tella Laah
2. Hon. Adams Jagaba Adams
3. Dr. Ishaku Shekarau
4. Sen. Caleb Zagi
5. Mr. Rijo Shekari
6. Amb. Nuhu Bajoga
Could it be that the candidature of this young man is sending shivers to some camps where his possibility of emergence cannot be underestimated?
What could possibly be the reason for the use of fake and parody accounts to churn falsehood against this young man?
It is funny that despite what the southern Kaduna people have gone through; the attacks and the marginalisations which has caused us to appreciate the unity in our diversity, some people still see divisive tool employment enterpreneurship as a good mechanism to ride into power. To them, spinning lies is a political capital and division the other factors of production.
The #RS2019 movement had just began. By the Grace if the Almighty, victory at the Primaries as well as the General elections is Assured.
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