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arewacelebrities came crass a perfect analogy By Ambrose Bernard Gowong which have all the answers you might need, in case you feel that His Excellency, Mal. Nasir Elrufai, the executive governor of kaduna  is going out of context with the circular on the reduction of the local government staff because the Governor feel that the local government seems to be overstaffed .

"When the word "change" was deployed, planted in the minds of people and spoken in every political gathering of the APC to canvas for elections, many saw the word as a mantra; "A slogan or a phrase often repeated". Some sang "Chanji" (The Hausa literal translation of the word change) to mean the transfer of power from PDP to APC.
The slogan "Change" however means more than its dictionary definition from the perspectives of it's practitioners. It means the party will be coming on board with tough and difficult measures or decisions to be taken in restructuring a system that is not yielding the right fruits to the populace. The change requires an expedition on a road abandoned and considered "Dangerous and Deadly" by politicians. Paradoxically, it is like the biblical teaching of the way to heaven: abandoned, narrow and rough.
In just two and half years and still counting, the government of Mal. Nasir Elrufai is by all definition, living to the meaning of "Change" alluded above. It's more like a Hollywood movie loaded with action scenes.
If not for change, who would have had the balls, guts or liver in Kaduna state to dare after verification purging 22,000 unqualified teachers replacing them with 25,000 qualified once?.
If not for change in kaduna state who would have rescued the state in taking that tough decision of trimming 390 to only 77 Districts heads, 24 to 14 commissioners hitherto leeching on our common resources?
If not for change in kaduna state, who would have taken that painful but very necessary decision of reducing an over bloated local government staff strength in the 23 councils of the state to just 7,000? ( this figure excludes teachers under SUBEB and primary health centres).
If not for change in kaduna state, who would have bailed the state in cutting down the number of ministries from 19 to 14?

Ironically, these are places well known to the people as a conduit pipe, where a very reasonable chunk of the state resources is directed into servicing leaving a fragment for security, health and other infrastructural desires.
These are some of the toughest decisions EVER taken by any leader in the state (military or civilian) since it was created. In civilised climes these actions are cerebral but we live in an uncivilized part of the world were the political elites had pupperized it's followers to only see malaise of national proportion from their political interest view point. This explains the torrent of criticism greeting Elrufai's policy on conventional/social media and gossip centres by urchins of these political elites who are beneficiaries of anything but conventions."
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