NIGHT OF QUEENS storms Kaduna (maiden Edition ) @ Q-Lounge MG Grade Toady

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The #Nightofkqueens is here for the 1st time @ Q-Lounge MG Grande (former Palm palace, Ung/Boro Sabon Tasha kaduna) Today 8th March, 2017 world international women's day. This wonderfully ladies Night is the ideal excuse for you to gather your girlfriends for a glamorous night away.
The Night of K-Queens is for all the women that have been through it all: ‘the hustlers’ ‘the baby mama's ‘the independent women’ ‘the wives’ ‘the C.E.O’ ‘the super women that own their thrones’ It’s all about #networking #motivationaltalks #storytelling #cheeringmusic #stageperformance #amazingdesigns that will showcase the talent of women in the entertainment and fashion industry.

There Is also the added bonus of a surprise performer. Are you interested to know who it is? Then you'll just have to buy a ticket and wait in its anticipation for one of Arewa's finest female performing artiste to knock your socks off. #nightofkqueens #kqueen #Beboldforchange #internationalwomensday #Iwd2017 #crocodilemuziq #concert #Qlounge #Afterparty #08march2017 #savethedate.
For more details call; 0816 354 4518
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